Hi there! I'm Terry,
a software engineering student passionate in programming 💻 🙂.

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About me

Hey guys! I'm Terry, an undergrad studying software engineering at the University of Waterloo. I love learning and applying different strands of programming to real-life issues around our world.

Beyond the code editor, I've recently taken an interest to investing as I introduce myself to technical analysis, buying my first ETFs, and more! As hobbies, I enjoy practicing all sorts of sports — such as endurance running, road biking, fishing etc. — during my spare time.

Finally, I'm a big anime/drama fan who often finds himself binge watching entire series in one sitting 😅. Feel free to hit me up with any of your recommendations!

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As an avid gastronome, GoodEats was built out of my passion for exploring new foods around me. Users can easily surf, and keep track of their favourite restaurants from corners of the world without feeling any obligation to make a purchase. On the technical side, GoodEats was built with React Native and Firebase; most features of the app were facilitated with packages from the Expo toolchain. However, as most restaurant data is currently sourced artificially, I hope to scale GoodEats and make use of the Yelp Fusion API in the near future!

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REMAX Real Estate

REMAX Real Estate is a website my friend and I helped develop for a local agent. It is a full-stack Next.js/React.js application written in Typescript to streamline buy/sell operations for 240+ REMAX agents and hundreds of their clients. It further facilitated the research process of $1B+ in property listings in the GTA through an intuitive UI/UX that was designed on Figma.

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Gamble Bot

The Gamble Bot is a Discord bot that I built using Python and the Discord.py API. The bot itself comprises of various interactive commands and functions that allow users in Discord guilds to gamble among themselves or against the bot using a built-in currency. While running, all guild/currency-related information are tracked using a MongoDB database. Feel free to invite the Gamble Bot into your own servers as well!

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Heart Disease Binary Classification

This project is a ML model that was trained under supervised learning with the objective of classifying whether a medical patient has heart disease or not. This was achieved through using data sourced from the University of California Irvine's ML Repository and various tools provided by Anaconda, such as SKLearn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc. A final prediction accuracy of 86.1% acheived alongside other evaluation metrics. More details are included in the source code!

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SmartBrain is a fun full-stack web-application that allows users to create on-site accounts and interact with a machine learning AI capable of detecting faces in an image; this was implemented using the Clarifai Face Detection API. The front-end pages were built using React.js while back-end server operations were facilitated using Node.js and PostgreSQL.

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Email: terry.su@uwaterloo.ca

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